Sunday, April 22, 2012

2012 International Harvester Western Regionals
Sponsored by Scouts West - Benefiting Wounded Warriors

Cindy and I took the Scout out for it's inaugural journey to Calico for a weekend of fun, friends, ogling of  cool IHs and some wheeling...

Lots of really great vehicles, Cindy wants one like the red Scout 80.

Notice the license plate...

Some wheelin' fun...

about 20 Scouts (and a Ferd and a Heep)

My Best, Cindy, in my Beast

Waiting our turn through the hole

Cindy got a little wide eyed on the way through...
but, she loved it, no matter what she says.

Then we had tri-tip dinner, awards (no, I did not win any), and a fun raffle that raised almost $5000 for the Wounded Warriors... and I won a fancy differential cover for my Scout, it's first and only bling.